
01992 465999


(Code: D STARG8/24 Box)
Compatible with all 24 Volt King Gate Swing Automation
£ 186.00
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Information about the STARG8/24-NG BOX

The Star G8/24 Box is compatible with all 24 volt King Gateautomation for swing and sliding gates, and is a direct replacement for theStar 224, Star M224 and Star 124. 

The Star G8/24 is very easy to programme due to itsautomatic programme function. It has many great features including a slow-downfacility on opening and closing to prevent unnecessary noise; obstacledetection to ensure safety; secondary safety input for additional photo cellsand safety edges and partial opening for pedestrian use. The Star G8/24 canalso be connected to the installer’s smart phone or tablet using the new KingConnect. This is a WiFi dongle that plugs into the Star G8 control unit, andthen using the King Gates app, you can set and adjust the installationparameters and schedule maintenances. The Star G8/24 Box is complete with 24volt transformer and built-in radio receiver with the capacity for 200 radiotransmitters. It comes in a IP54 water-resistant plastic housing

Please note: All StarG8 and StarG8NG control units are not compatible with the old Stylo4 transmitter, they will only work with the Stylo4K and Stylo2K. 


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